导演:Ruth Mayer
简介:When Hugo Chávez stormed to power in Venezuela in 1998 he promised to transform the lives of the poor. But now 20 years on, 90 percent of families in Venezuela say they do not have enough to eat - and the United Nations predicts that over five million people will have fled the country by the end of 2019. Chávez was at the helm of the country with the largest proven oil reserves in the world, and set about spending Venezuela’s vast oil wealth. Around the world he was hailed as a new hope for Socialism by some politicians. A precursor to many of today’s populist leaders, Chávez bypassed traditional media and spoke directly to the people through his weekly live TV show. Told by many of those who knew him, this is the story of incredible short-term achievements in health and education, but also of the tragic legacy of his idealism, populism and ruthless pursuit of absolute power. With populist movements increasingly taking power in countries around the world, it’s a story that's now more relevant than ever. Part of BBC Two’s award-wining This World strand.
主演:本·普拉特 佐伊·达奇 安娜·肯德里克 迪伦·奥布莱恩 布兰特妮·斯诺 瑞恩·墨菲 比妮·费尔德斯坦 露西·宝通 理查德·E·格兰特 比利·艾希纳 布莱克·詹纳 朱迪斯·赖特 凯思琳·加拉格尔 迈克尔·帕克 茱莉亚·施莱弗 本杰明·贝奈特 本·理查森(摄影) 马克·普拉特 本吉·帕塞克 凯西·塞雷尔 贾斯廷·保罗 马克斯·谢尔顿 史蒂文·莱文森 艾利克斯·蒂姆伯斯 Javier Morgado
导演:艾利克斯·蒂姆伯斯 萨姆·伦奇
简介: 在人类的蒙昧时期,渴望风调雨顺时的五谷丰登,促使世界上所有的民族,抬头仰望威力巨大的天空。于是,先民们开始了对天的顶礼膜拜,用各种方式对天祭祀,以求得天神的眷顾和庇佑。人类文明踏入新千年之后,在北京南郊,世人看到了一处庄严静穆的建筑群,它就是——天坛。 天坛,始建于明永乐十八年(1420年),最初实行天地合祀,叫做天地坛。嘉靖九年(1530年)实行四郊分祀制度后, 在北郊觅地另建地坛,原天地坛则专事祭天、祈谷和祈雨,并改名为天坛。清代基本沿袭明制,在乾隆年间曾进行过大规模的改扩建。目前的主体建筑除祈年门和皇干殿是明代建筑外,其余都是清代建造的。 天坛建筑群,包括陈设列神牌位以及皇室先祖的皇穹宇,用于孟春祈谷的祈年殿,有“小紫禁城”之称的专供皇帝沐浴斋戒的斋宫等,还有享誉海外的声学建筑——回音壁,有着“人间偶语,天闻若雷”之说的三音石,以及充满了传奇故事的七星石等名胜古迹。天坛建筑群经过历代的修复和改建,集明/清建筑技艺之大成,是中国古建珍品,更称得上世界最大的祭天建筑群。
导演:Peter Hannan
简介: From the creators of "Dreams of the Coral Sea" in 1999. Stunning film, which opens the depths of life and death of the Great Barrier Reef, Australia Ningaluu Reef and the Coral Reef Papua New Guinea. The award-winning, the famous filmmaker David Hannan worked for 7 years to create this magical video evidence of the extraordinary underwater world. Music composer Tania Rose. You will see thousands of marine species coral reef in the movement. After many years dedicated to filming and editing in glorious High Definition, David Hannan's new underwater masterpiece is coming out now. Over 84 extraordinary minutes, Coral Sea Dreaming – Awaken enters into the very heart of life – and death – on a coral reef. It is a story that spans 500 million years and stars some of the most exotic and wondrous marine creatures on earth. Coral is the planets greatest natural architect, and coral reefs boast the highest biodiversity of any ecosystem. Emmy Award-winning cinematographer David Hannan has filmed for 7 years to create this magnificent testimony to our extraordinary undersea world, set to an original score by Tania Rose. We meet thousands of reef inhabitants, from ancient turtles to feeding sharks, adorable pygmy seahorses and savage sea slugs, witness a manta ray ballet and courting octopus. Specialized state-of-the-art High Definition technology captures these lives with unprecedented intimacy, illustrating elaborate courtship displays, mating rituals, feeding frenzies, intense night-time predation, cannibalism and chemical warfare. David Hannan is renowned not only for his filmmaking, but also the conservation that is activated by his films. This is the driving force behind his work. Filled with startling HD scenes of exotic sea creatures, this is David Hannan's latest underwater masterpiece, a 'state of the art virtual experience' and window onto another world. Many of the sequences have never been filmed before. Some may never be filmed again. Corals have survived 5 mass extinctions. But can they survive us? Filmed over 2000 dives on three great coral reef ecosystems; The Great Barrier Reef, Ningaloo Reef, and Papua New Guinea, Coral Sea Dreaming - Awaken is a celebration of reefs now under threat of climate change and ocean acidification. There is much to be done to safe-guard these precious ecosystems for future generations. And very little time to do it.
导演:Michael Bonfiglio
简介:著名喜剧演员、单口泰斗杰瑞·宋飞为Netflix录制的专场,据悉为了这部单口喜剧, Netflix 花了一亿美元。如果没看的不妨来看看这部“年度神作”。 为了配合本片等Netflix的喜剧宣传,Netflix在美国纽约和洛杉矶投放大型的户外广告牌,白底黑字“Netflix就是个笑 话(Netflix is a joke.)”,其设计简单粗暴的双关广告词宣传起到相当了不错的宣传效果
导演:Richard Finlayson Jude Troy
简介:在大英帝国统治期间,它偷了很多东西。如今,这些文物被收藏在英国和世界各地的高雅机构中。它们通常带有礼貌的牌匾。这是一个关于这些物品背后不那么礼貌的历史的系列。每一集,获奖的记者、作家和遗传家常马克·芬内尔(Marc Fennell)都会挑选一件人工制品,带你经历一场狂野的、令人回味的、有时有趣的、通常是悲剧的冒险,讲述它是如何发展到今天的地步的。这些物品最终将帮助我们以不同的眼光看待今天的英联邦——以及我们自己。
别名:They'll Love Me When I'm Dead
主演:艾伦·卡明 丹尼·赫斯顿 皮特·杰森 彼得·博格丹诺维奇 斯碧尔·谢波德 丹尼斯·霍珀 亨利·雅格洛 瑞奇·雷托 弗兰克·马歇尔 约翰·休斯顿 奥逊·威尔斯 奥雅·柯达 诺曼·福斯特 贝翠斯·威尔斯 凯西·卢卡斯
主演:Dennis Avner ....Himself
简介:美国著名BM技师STEVE HAWORTH神乎奇技,全程真实公开,“身体改造(BODY MODIFICATION)”最极端个案 穿钉,钩皮,割唇,皮下镶钢,解构越痛越HIGH的不可思议超快感 < 穿皮入肉 > 深入探討美國「身體改造 (body modification)」地下文化。影片圍繞「身體改造」著名技師 Steve Haworth 和他的客人們,當中穿釘、鉤皮、割唇、皮下鑲鋼等「改造」過程真實紀錄,一覽無遺。 由於 Haworth 並不是醫生,因此進行這些刺肉穿皮的過程時,是完全沒有下麻醉藥的!Haworth 技巧高超,所以他的客人要求的都不是一般紋身穿臍環這種「小兒科」── 有人決心把自己的人樣變成貓樣,Haworth 就把他的上唇和人中切開再鑲上尖牙; 有人不要頭髮要尖角,Haworth 幫他穿破頭皮植入鋼釘;有人為得到性高潮要求割開性器官;有人享受以鋼鉤穿著皮膚吊在半空的劇痛快感... 究竟這些人是瘋狂怪異抑或只是比較前?開放?片中他們將親身解說如何從改造自己的血肉中得到極端興奮;如何越痛越開心;如何越穿越上癮,還有,如何透過塑造自己的肉體建立自我身份。
简介: 百集微纪录片《从长安到罗马》首次采用“双城记”平行视角,由中意两国知名专家学者带着对经贸、文化、社会、音乐、美术、建筑、城市等思考,走进丝绸之路的起点和终点,深入西安和罗马两个城市,用中国眼光、现代立场和国际表达,讲述两千多年以来,长安与罗马的文明交融对于人类文明的演变和发展做出的重大贡献,生动诠释以和平合作、开放包容、互学互鉴、互利共赢为核心的“丝路精神”
别名:Power of Grayskull: The Definitive History of He-Man and the Masters of the Universe
主演:弗兰克·兰格拉 杜夫·龙格尔 艾伦·欧朋海默 理查德·艾德兰德 Anthony·De·Longis·Anthony·De·Longis
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