主演:汤姆·穆尔 Terry Schappert Matt Graham John Hudson Jake Zweig
简介: 近距離觀察五位熱愛刺激的世界頂尖求生高手如何施展絕技 在毫無準備、孤立無援的情況下,如果你被人擄走、矇上雙眼,帶到一個未知的偏遠地方,你會怎麼做?觀眾將跟著五位求生高手一起參加這場「比賽」,看他們如何使出渾身解數接受終極考驗。《野放求生專家》將於6月25日起,每週三晚間10點首播,並於每週日下午5點重播。 每一集都將有一位求生高手被其他四人擄走,擄人的地點可能是工作的地方、家裡、咖啡館或任何地方!接著他們會被丟到世上最惡劣的環境,被迫設法平安地活下來、毫髮無傷地重返文明世界,他們必須在100小時內達成這項任務,否則比賽就立刻結束。比賽過程中,另外四位夥伴會在附近的遙控指揮中心嚴密監控參賽者的進度與生命跡象。 每一集《野放求生專家》都是一場高潮迭起的人類與自然對抗賽,從茂密的叢林到酷寒的冰河,這場鬥智的求生比賽深入地球各個角落。賭上名聲與誇耀的權利,這些參賽者是否具備克服終極挑戰的能耐?
导演:Rob Sullivan Alistair Tones
导演:Antoine Baldassari Manuel Guillon
简介: 这部纪录剧集讲述一个以不明飞行物为缘起的宗教如何转变为一个备受争议的邪教,片中包含与教徒、反对者及雷尔本人的访谈。
主演:David Nutt Harvey Milkman Raphael Gaßmann Katherine Severi Lorenz Gallmetzer Stefan Gabányi Ulrich Adam Ignacio Sánchez Ricarte Isidore Obot Olivier van Beemen Tunde Salau 米卡·哈基宁 Michael Musalek Helmut Seitz Avani Dilger Inga Dóra Sigfúsdóttir Pálmar Ragn
导演:Andreas Pichler
简介: Alcohol: No substance in the world seems so familiar to us and is so incredibly diverse in its effect. Alcohol is available everywhere and this particular molecule has the power to affect all 200 billion neurons of our human brain in completely different ways. But hardly anyone calls alcohol a drug despite its psychoactive and cell-destroying effect. Why do we tolerate the death of three million people every year? Have we turned a blind eye to the dangers and risks for thousands of years? What role does the powerful alcohol industry play with an annual turnover of 1.2 trillion euros in this on-going concealment? The author, who himself enjoys having a drink, looks into the question why we drink at all, what alcohol does to us and to what extent the alcohol industry influences society and politics. He travels around the world from Germany via England to Nigeria to detect aggressive trading practices of the global alcohol industry seeking growth in new markets at all costs. He also visits Iceland, which successfully made the turnaround: Where 20 years ago hordes of drunks roamed the streets, young people today master their need for relaxation and life stimulants without alcohol. The film has no intention to point a moral finger but nevertheless will significantly change the drinking habits of the viewer.
别名:自由大放送:真实监狱实验 Unlocked: A Jail Experiment2024,自由大放送:真实监狱实验 Unlocked: A Jail Experiment
导演:杰西·莫斯 阿曼达·麦克拜恩
简介: Every summer, teenage girls from across Missouri spend a week building a government from the ground up. Coming from different ends of the political and socioeconomic spectrum, they all share a passion for reimagining the future of America. The filmmakers behind Boys State (T/F 2020) return to the world of teen politics to capture the 2022 program – the first time in history that Girls State and Boys State take place simultaneously on the same campus. With rumors of Roe v. Wade being overturned in the real world, the stakes feel higher than ever for these ambitious and dedicated young women. As the days unfold and rumblings from the Boys program make their way across campus, discontent begins to emerge over the disparities between the two. An exhilarating portrait of our political landscape and the pivotal issue of gender equality.
简介: James Benning’s first film called The United States of America was a 1975 trip across the country, capturing its scenery through a car windshield. This second one also crisscrosses the nation, but without a car, carving it up instead into a series of static shots of just under two minutes, one for each state, presented alphabetically, from Heron Bay, Alabama to Kelly, Wyoming. The names of the places are nondescript, but the images attached to them are anything but, immaculately composed shots of landscape, cityscape and the spaces in between. As we move from A to Z, the images coalesce into a portrait of today’s USA, tracing out its fault lines almost in passing: fenced-off facilities, a river bed running dry, factories and refineries, run-down streets and gas stations, a camp under a bridge. The past is there too, seeping up through the songs and speeches that sporadically pierce the background noise or the motifs that evoke a whole career; the clouds, trains and cabins are stand-ins for films, not just states. As always, there’s time for more abstract thoughts too: each image may stand for a state, but representativity is slippery. Which state is more cinematic than the rest?
导演:Giorgio Angelini 亚瑟·琼斯
主演:金斯利·本-阿迪尔 拉什纳·林奇 詹姆斯·诺顿 托辛·科尔 乌米·迈尔斯 安东尼·威尔士 尼娅·阿诗 阿斯顿·巴雷特 安娜-谢尔·布莱克 高文·“J-苏玛”·坎贝尔 内奥米·考恩 Alexx A-Game 迈克尔·甘多菲尼 全·达杰·恩里克斯 小大卫·马文·科尔 赫克托·唐纳德·刘易斯 纳丁·马歇尔 谢尔登·谢泼德
简介: 一位人物,一个信念,一场革命,一个传奇。 影片聚焦鲍勃·马利短暂的36年人生中的故事,比如他为音乐带来的巨大改变、那些传奇性的作品,和在牙买加的重要地位等。
简介: 这种独特的电影体验深入到一位艺术家的作品中,揭示了他的生活道路、灵感和创作过程。它探索了安塞姆对神话和历史的迷恋。过去和现在交织在一起,模糊了电影和绘画之间的界限,让观众完全沉浸在当代最伟大的艺术家之一安塞姆·基弗的非凡世界中。维姆·文德斯用两年的时间,以惊人的3D技术拍摄了这幅独特的肖像画。
简介: 巴黎20區的一家公立醫院裡,攝影機和持攝影機的人駐留在不同的診間,記錄著來自不同文化背景、處於生命各個階段的女性,拍攝他們與醫療體系的無數次相遇——癌症篩檢、生育問診、意外懷孕尋求墮胎、子宮內膜異位症等,因著「異常」來到醫院的各種身體。導演克萊兒・西蒙經歷癌症的生命經驗促使他展開紀錄,鏡頭溫柔地打破那潛藏在現代醫療體系中高冷的專業術語與疏離的人際關係,以帶有人本主義式的關懷,細膩地呈現人們對於身體、生命的思索,關於進行跨性別手術的未成年人如何思考更年期、個體如何與日漸老去的身體共存,以及醫療人員如何身在機構的同時亦能進行機構批判。電影從親密的視角展現生命的多樣性,以及差異如何構成集體的經驗,共同譜成我們的身體。
主演:杰里米·克拉克森 詹姆斯·梅
导演:Phil Churchward
简介: Everyone has an opinion on bad cars... now it's time to hear the ones that really count--ours... As it's the worst car in the history of the WORLD, we're on our travels ... to the North of England ... to name and shame the most rubbish car from a manufacturer which, frankly, should have known better. But, it's not all about hateful cars ... Oh no. You have to revel in some good ones to appreciate the stinkers. There's the Ferrari 458 spider, Toyota's GT86 and the £340,000 Lexus LFA rubbing shoulders with a Mercedes SLS. Our guest driver, The Stig's Yorkshire cousin, puts his whippet to one side and throws a BMW M5 round a gymkhana course before we have a go in a couple of Transatlantic challengers. Things don't go well. We spend treasured leisure time on the golf course continuing our debate. That doesn't go well either. We even put our own cars--past and present--into the reckoning. That ends badly too. We argue over the great and the awful from Peugeot, Ford, Mahindra, FSO, Alfa Romeo, Rolls Royce, Porsche, Citroen, Saab ... and many more. And we have a special, surprise fate in store for the car we pick as our biggest loser... Enjoy... Jeremy Clarkson & James May
主演:James May
导演:Tom Whitter
简介: James May discovers how the car became an everyday part of normal people's lives.
简介: 《老广的味道》第九季继续坚持上山下海,呈现地道广味。通过现场纪录广东农民、渔民的耕作及捕捞,贴地气,传播劳动者的正能量。用独特的纪录片视听语言,突显华侨、广府、客家、潮汕等岭南地方特色,展现岭南农业文化和海洋文化,弘扬广东人务实、开放、兼容、创新的精神。
别名:摄影师 Photographer2024,摄影师 Photographer
主演:Dan Winters Dylan Winters Campbell Addy Cristina Mittermeier Muhammed Muheisen Krystle Wright Paul Nicklen Anand Varma
导演:丽塔·巴格达迪 马歇尔·柯里 金国威 克里斯蒂·雅各布森 塞缪尔·D·波拉尔德 伊丽莎白·柴·瓦沙瑞莉 Crystal Kayiza Pagan Danielle Harleman
简介: 1 2021年新纪录片,讲述世贸双子塔的一生故事,它的建造和倒塌 2 世贸中心是若干人的愿景,人越多,野心越大,再加上时代,变成登峰造极的建筑 3 建筑各种设计都是首创,也非常前卫的方式得到最大经济效益 4 也正是如此出类拔萃,让地球另一边的人惦记,一定要弄倒它 5 工程学上探讨它为何倒塌,也探讨结构特点在撞击后让它站得够久
主演:Anna Krekeler Jonathan Janson Abbie Vandivere Gregor J.M. Weber Pieter Roelofs Betsy Wieseman
导演:Suzanne Raes
简介: Watch as a cast of Vermeer enthusiasts and experts create the largest Vermeer exhibition ever set to be mounted at the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam. This fascinating documentary is a unique opportunity to discover what goes on behind the scenes at exhibitions of this scale, from the latest techniques for determining what makes a Vermeer truly Vermeer to new discoveries while searching for the master’s paintings around the world.
简介: 第一集 革命神仙 此集讲述全真祖师王重阳创教之前,钟吕金丹道的发展脉络。晚唐时期,吕纯阳真人可谓唐代新兴道教的革命神仙,在吕洞宾的手中,传统道教完成了由外丹修炼到内丹修炼的转变,在吕洞宾之后,内丹修炼逐渐成为主流,全真南北宗断续发展,终于为王重阳创立全真教奠定了深厚的理论基础。 第二集 重阳奠基 此集讲述王重阳祖师的创教经历和他的历史功绩。王重阳在户县祖庵镇“活死人墓”得道后,创立全真,倡导儒释道三教合一,并去山东传教,创立“五会”,收下全真七子。重阳祖师带四子西归,行至汴梁,祖师仙逝。两年后,四子迁祖师遗骨安葬于户县刘蒋村(今重阳宫)。从此,王重阳点燃的全真火种,渐成燎原之势,逐渐成为中国文化的主流。 第三集 七真宗师 此集讲述七真宗师的传奇故事,这“七真”,后来成为全真教发扬光大之奠基人和播种者。在重阳祖师的感召下,马丹阳、谭处端、刘长生、丘处机、郝大通、王处一、孙不二跟随重阳祖师虔心修道,七人终成正果,他们在国内广泛传播全真道的思想,广收门徒,如涓涓细流最终汇入全真教的洪流,终于使全真教在元代大行于世。 第四集 一言止杀 全真教在元代达到极盛的顶峰,与丘处机有莫大的关系。他73岁高龄时,应成吉思汗之请,万里西行,在大雪山行宫(今阿富汗境内)会晤,劝谏成吉思汗“固精守神”、“止杀保民”、“布法推恩”、“以孝治国”,缔结了蒙汉民族友谊,成为中国民族团结的典范。成吉思汗称他为“神仙”,册封他为“国师”,让他统领全国道教事务。丘处机大力发展全真教,慈善救人、好生恶杀,乾隆皇帝称赞他说:“一言止杀,始知济世有奇功。” 第五集 龙门天下 丘处机在宝鸡磻溪、陇县龙门山苦修,他的苦行及心性修炼对后世教徒影响很大,他的门人后世形成全真教中最为重要的道派——龙门派,明清时期,道教界有“龙门弟子半天下”之说。至今,全真龙门派依然是道教界的中坚力量,全真教立下的清苦隐修、躬耕自养的教风,在陕西龙门洞传承至今,依旧保持着全真教的原初风貌,全真龙门派也因此门庭兴旺,弟子遍布天下,成为当今“道行天下、共创和谐”的重要播种者。
简介: 宇宙已经存在了好长一段时间,大约有137亿3千万年,误差也许可以加减个1亿2千万年。宇宙是如何组合起来的?它是如何建造的,它实际上是如何工作的?这些都是人类经常提出的问题。作为宇宙的一分子,我们都希望可以对这个神秘国度有更深入的认识。凭借一批专家和令人瞠目结舌的电脑三维动画技术,我们正在寻找一个最伟大的故事——关于我们和其他一切的起源的故事。美国探索频道的《宇宙有道理 第九季》要带领大家探究宇宙如何从无到有,从一个不起眼如针孔的小点演变成今日我们所看到的浩瀚宇宙。本片将为天文爱好者拆解种种谜团。 第1集 前进黑洞(上、下部 | 44分钟×2)(Journey to a Black Hole | 1h 24min) 第2集 彗星之旅(Mission to a Comet) 第3集 太阳的秘密(Secrets of the Sun) 第4集 微观世界的外星人(Aliens of the Microcosmos) 第5集 白矮星的诅咒(Curse of the White Dwarf) 第6集 星系之战(War of the Galaxies) 第7集 下一颗超新星(The Next Supernova) 第8集 中微子的秘密生活(Secret Lives of Neutrinos) 第9集 巨型黑洞的诞生(Birth of Monster Black Holes) 第10集 揭秘引力波(Gravitational Waves Revealed) 第11集 外星球的奥秘(Mystery of Alien Worlds)
导演:欧大明 陈傲 姚璐 薛文晶 张万龙 龙丹玥 赖一 郭柳
简介: 第二季以美食为中心,逐步解构湘菜,如行云流水般,将湘菜的历史与未来,食材与技法一一呈现,在一道道美食中,观众不仅可以欣赏其妙手神技,更是看到了湘人与自然相处的智慧、湘人融合五味的智慧和湘人敢于创造的精神。
主演:Jean-Claude Poulain Abou Bakar Anh Tuan Betty Florent Frédéric Jalal Karen Tomo Odile Ghermani Babette Deboissy Denis Azra Victor Abbou Levent Beskardes Monica Flory
简介: 无声国度/In the Land of the Deaf/法/1992 法国导演尼古拉斯·菲利伯特(是和有/山村犹有读书声)92年纪录片作品,进入聋哑人无声的世界。93年电影手册年度十佳。16:9可变形,导演亲身介绍,英文字幕,Jonathan Rosenbaum撰写的吹捧文章小册子。
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