主演:Jonny Fitzsimons Thomas Glover Ben Thamer
导演:Phillip Baribeau
简介: Sixteen mustangs, four men, one dream: to ride border to border, Mexico to Canada, up the spine of the American West. The documentary tracks four fresh-out-of-college buddies as they take on wild mustangs to be their trusted mounts, and set out on the adventure of a lifetime. Their wildness of spirit, in both man and horse, is quickly dwarfed by the wilderness they must navigate: a 3000-mile gauntlet that is equally indescribable and unforgiving.
主演:潘多拉·科林 Mehmet Ergen
简介: Orhan Pamuk – Turkey's Nobel laureate for Literature – opens a museum in Istanbul. A museum that's a fiction: its objects trace a tale of doomed love in 1970's Istanbul. The film takes a tour of the objects as the starting point for a trip through love stories, landscapes and the chemistry of the city.
导演:A.J. Eaton
简介:Meet David Crosby in this portrait of a man with everything but an easy retirement on his mind.
导演:Anne Alvergue Debra McClutchy
主演:(Nabi)JEONG Eunae (Vivian)KANG Sunhwa LEE Hankyeol JOUNG Yejoon KWAK Insun NAM Seongjun (Jimmy)JOUNG Dongryoul
导演:尹久里BYUN Gyuri
简介: 这部纪录片讲述了两位韩国性少数人士的母亲为争取性少数平等权益而做出的抗争和她们理解孩子的心路历程:当Nabi的孩子Hankyeol向她出柜为非二元性别的跨儿(以及一名践行多角关系的无性恋者),Nabi试图理解孩子的身份以及ta面对的困难;Vivian的儿子Yejoon向她出柜为男同性恋之后,她从不知所措到逐渐接纳儿子的性取向,并最终决定以自己的实际行动去支持他,让更多拥有类似经历的人生活在一个更包容的社会。
简介:In 2016, a young Australian filmmaker began documenting amateur inventor Peter Madsen. One year in, Madsen brutally murdered Kim Wall aboard his homemade submarine. An unprecedented revelation of a killer and the journey his young helpers take as they reckon with their own complicity and prepare to testify.
主演:布莱恩·史蒂文森 Christy Stevenson Howard Stevenson
导演:彼得·W·孔哈特 George Kunhardt Teddy Kunhardt
简介: True Justice: Bryan Stevenson's Fight for Equality shows public interest attorney Bryan Stevenson's struggle to create greater fairness in the legal system and demonstrates how racial injustice emerged, evolved and continues to threaten the country, challenging viewers to confront it.
简介: 他们在台湾与越南之间漂浪迁徙,寻求更好的生活。有选择或没有选择地,在这距离越南1700多公里远的岛屿落锚,成为我们。 没办法选择在哪里出生,定邦流着台湾爸爸和越南妈妈的血液,边打工边自学,跌跌撞撞,朝着成为电影导演的梦想前进;北越的小芳、南越的金线,选择与台湾人结婚,养儿育女,操持夫家生意,为家庭累积理想未来的资本;曾在台湾帮佣多年的阿问,回越南后盖了三层楼的家,视野已经不同的她,即使借钱也要让两个儿子文山、文进再到台湾工作,见识外面的世界。 来往台湾和越南的他们,见证两地经济环境的快速变化,感受复杂的人际冲突与冷暖,用生命写下跨国移动的一行短句,也成为我们生活中的寻常风景。 我们不一样,拥有不同的条件与机会。相同的是,不确定自己的选择对不对,不知道未来在何方,也许在台湾,也许在越南。 我们都一样,以个人微小的力量,在广大的世界里求生存。移民和移工,如落地的水笔仔,只要有水,就能活。未来,也许就从这里的生活开始。
简介:2016年,美国国家体操队队医拉里·纳萨尔数十年间对于年轻运动员的性侵遭到披露。震惊了美国体操。 艾琳·李·卡尔的这部纪录片勇于揭开丑闻、示人以藏掖的事实及其影响,使幸存者得以发声。
简介: 婚纱照是情感的显影,华人社会特有的文化礼俗及真性情都无一遗漏地被记录在婚纱照之中,它让所有人相信,这是一个能用金钱交换具象幸福的造梦工厂。在步入婚姻之前,王子与公主都期待着幸福美满的爱情与未来。另一方,已身在婚姻之中的夫妻,听见的是他们之间的坦诚相谈。回看那象征婚约的照片,两人之间的「亲密关系」、「幸福」、或是「爱」,转换成什么样的形式?经历了什么样的困惑?那些困惑,与当初的幸福想象,有着什么样的对应关系?而最后,王子公主终究也正式进入到这个婚姻的循环当中。本片以台湾与大陆两对拍摄婚纱的新人做为对照,并呈现婚纱产业中的关键者:婚纱摄影师的观点,尝试从一个轻松却不轻易的视角,带着观众一起翻开那本尘封于华人家庭中的某个角落的婚纱相本,从日常生活的淬炼中,回望那个幸福的片刻。
简介: 美国疾病控制与预防中心的报告显示,美国人的预期寿命100多年来首次出现下降,Dr. Sanjay Gupta对此感到十分震惊。在《“压力山大”的美国人》一片中,Gupta着手调查事情的真相并试图找出原因所在。在关注社会健康的同时,Gupta发现由于美国社会的压力日益增大,“绝望的死亡” (由药物过量、慢性肝病和自杀引起)已成为一种流行病。该片还探究了文化、宗教、科学以及个人对死亡和濒临死亡的态度。
主演:James Barrat Rana El Kaliouby David Ferrucci Christine Fox Sean Gourley Hannes Grassegger Brian Herman Eric Horvitz Hiroshi Ishiguro Enrique Jacome Jerry Kaplan Michal Kosinski Raymond Kurzweil Hod Lipson John Markoff 乔纳森·诺兰
导演:Chris Paine
简介: Science fiction has long anticipated the rise of machine intelligence. Today, a new generation of self-learning computers is reshaping every aspect of our lives. Incomprehensible amounts of data are being collected, interpreted, and fed back to us in a tsunami of apps, smart devices, and targeted advertisements. Virtually every industry on earth is feeling this transformation, from job automation to medical diagnostics, from elections to battlefield weapons. Do You Trust This Computer? explores the promises and perils of this developing era. Will A.I. usher in an age of unprecedented potential, or prove to be our final invention?
主演:Georgie Stone
导演:Maya Newell
主演:欧文·萨斯金德 罗恩·萨斯金德 乔纳森·弗里曼 吉尔伯特·戈特弗雷德 艾伦·罗森布拉特
简介:影片讲的是一个美若天使的小男孩儿Owen, 活泼可爱,每天叽叽喳喳说个不停,大人和小朋友都喜欢他。可是就在他三岁的某一天,小Owen 突然不说话了,大人们无论如何与他沟通,他都像没听见,好像进了自己的一个小房子,并且关上了门不肯出来。Owen的爸爸妈妈都急疯了,不知道发生了什么事。在看过很多医生后,小Owen被诊断为“自闭症”。因为爸爸妈妈没有办法和小OWEN交流,他们痛苦极了,眼睁睁地看着小OWEN像个走丢了的孩子在自己眼前四处游荡,可无论他们如何呼唤他,小OWEN就是听不见,就是一言不发,每天无声地坐在电视前看Disney动画。突然有一天,Owen的爸爸听到Owen大叫了一声,这让很久没有听到Owen任何声音的家人兴奋无比,好像在黑暗中行走突然看到了明亮的灯塔。小Owen不停地叫着一个词,大家都听不明白,都努力想知道他的意思,好像听到小Owen从他的世界里发出的求救信号。终于,Owen爸爸想起这个声音是从一个Disney动画里发出的,而且是一个小动物的声音。聪明而又用心的Owen爸爸兴奋极了,好像找到了打开小Owen新世界的钥匙。他把自己扮作那个小动物,并以那个小动物的方式和Owen说话,没想到Owen的脸上顿时有了笑容,也开始以动画片中的另外一个小动物的身份和“鸟”爸爸说话。原来,Owen把自己关进的那个叫“自闭”的小房子,就是Disney的动画世界!!从此,Owen的家人开始以Disney动画里的角色和OWEN说话,并且渐渐地把他带进了现实生活,带回家人朋友中间。Owen长大了,长成了英俊温暖有趣儿的帅哥。他开始学习自立,包括找工作、谈恋爱、自己一个人住。他还成立了动画俱乐部,帮助和他一样的小朋友。
简介: 那些李帝勋没有走过的路、被遗忘的梦想和曾想象过的未来将通过虚构故事展开。如果没有成为演员,会不会成为加班是日常的上班族?又或者以被遗忘的另一个梦想作为现实生活呢? 电影有趣地描写了来往于真实和虚构之间,我们此前未知的李帝勋的故事。 如果没有成为演员,“人类”李帝勋会在做什么呢...
主演:Seth Crossno Brett Kincaid Andy King Billy McFarland Mary Ann Rolle 杰鲁 Marc Weinstein
简介:弗莱事件是指2017年,不少人慕名飞到巴哈马海岛,参加众多名人站台、号称超豪华音乐节的Fyre Festival,但宣传是水清沙白、泳装美女遍地、美食音乐齐飞的大狂欢,现实是野地帐篷、啥也没有、跟泥相伴。此事在社交网络引发巨大讨论,其背后的组织工作也被各种揭秘。
导演:Pailin Wedel
简介:2018 年夏天,泰国北部一支少年足球队的 13 名队员因洪水被困在洞穴里,这一事件引起了全世界的关注。这场国际救援行动由 90 多名潜水员参与,他们被困了 17 天,最终注射镇静剂并获救。这部纪录片将从男孩和他们教练的视角进行独家讲述。
导演:Stephanie Soechtig
简介: The Sandy Hook massacre was considered a watershed moment in the national debate on gun control, but the body count at the hands of gun violence has only increased. Through the lens of the victims' families, as well as pro-gun advocates, we examine why our politicians have failed to act. World Premiere
导演:Claudio Capanna
简介: The twins Eden and Léandro were born severely premature. Once out of the belly of their mother, Laurence, they find themselves propelled into the hostile and worrying world of the hospital, full of the sounds of machines and of doctors in white coats. As the weeks pass in the neonatal service, mother and children fight for survival. Haemorrhages, respiratory problems... Surrounded by the medical team, Laurence lives to the rhythm of the twins, caught between the hope for improvement, fatigue, the ever-present possibility that things will go wrong and the fear they will die. The bond between mother and children is organic, vital. Together, they fight fiercely for life.
主演:丹尼尔·克雷格 拉米·马雷克 迈克尔·凯恩 娜奥米·哈里斯 萨姆·门德斯 汉斯·季默 凯瑞·福永 玛瑞亚·达波 马丁·坎贝尔 保罗·麦卡特尼 马克·福斯特 碧丽·艾莉许 南茜·辛纳特拉 芭芭拉·布罗科利 菲尼亚斯·奥康奈尔 托马斯·纽曼 蒂娜·特纳 汤姆·琼斯 瑞吉·沃兹 西娜·阿斯顿 杰克·怀特 Lulu 约翰·巴里 卡莉·西蒙 大卫·阿诺德 迈克尔·G·威尔森 马文·哈姆利奇 约翰·格兰 萨姆·史密斯 莎丽·贝希 蒂姆·赖斯 尼尔·珀维斯 乔治·马丁 约翰尼·玛尔 Duran Duran 罗伯特·韦德
简介: Dive into the iconic music of 007 on Bond Day, October 5, 2022.
简介: 长命百岁是否必然幸福? 孝与不孝如何界定? 离与留又该如何取舍?纪录片《伴生》娓娓道来两代人对生与死的价值观的差异和矛盾。有人因不忍父亲饱受病魔折磨及丧妻之苦,而祈求父亲能早归天家;有人因长期照顾患病父母而心生压力,渴望开展自己的生活;有人因母亲健康急转直下反而重建分隔多年的关系。 一生建构的种种链接,伴随死亡,是否能瞬间化为烟霞? "Does longevity bring happiness? Would it be unfilial if you wish the death for your father? Departure or continuous to suffer, a hard choice to make? Snuggle shows the value difference of 'life and death' between two generations. Someone wishes the death for his father because he cannot stand watching his father suffering from illness and loneliness; someone feels so stressed that she has to sacrifice her life to take care of her parents; someone happens to restore the relationship with his mother because she is unwell seriously. When it comes to death, would all those relationships we have in this life last for one more second?" 第23届香港电影评论学会大奖
主演:George Abbey Ken Bowersox Cady Coleman Samantha Cristoforetti
导演:Clare Lewins
简介: While the rest of us - the other 7.9 billion people here on Earth - are going about our daily lives, looking straight ahead, there are another six people living off our planet 250 miles above our heads. These are the men and women of the International Space Station, whose home is a spaceship, an outpost in the cosmos. Drawing on breathtaking archive and interviews with astronauts, cosmonauts, colleagues and family members, THE WONDERFUL: STORIES FROM THE SPACE STATION brings together personal testimonies from the men and women who have been part of this extraordinary project - a remarkable achievement of technology, international collaboration, scientific endeavour and human bravery.
主演:Sharon Jones
简介: Miss Sharon Jones: Dreams never expire but sometimes they are deferred. Miss Sharon Jones follows the talented and gregarious soul singer of the Grammy nominated R&B band "Sharon Jones and the Dap Kings." In the most challenging year of her life, Sharon Jones confronts pancreatic cancer. As she struggles to find her health and voice again, the film intimately uncovers the mind and spirit of a powerful woman determined to regain the explosive singing career that eluded her for 50 years.
简介:16-year-old Yuguo, who has a passion for Eastern European romantic poetry, makes a pilgrimage from his home in China to the foothills of Romania’s Carpathian Mountains. There are not many 16-year-olds in China that spend their days reading 19th century Eastern European romantic poetry, but Yuguo is not like most 16-year-olds. This intimate film follows Yuguo’s own teenage roman...
简介: 2008年以后,国内外媒体进入西藏受到严格限制。 2014年,我们趁12年一次朝圣年的机会,入藏采访当地最新情况。 从公元前至今,受西藏人崇拜的冈仁波齐,是耸立于印度、尼泊尔和中国边境附近,海拔6656米的神山。 本片沿从拉萨到冈仁波齐转山的旅程,记录因开发而急剧变化的拉萨市内及沿路村镇景象,介绍鲜为人知的西藏最新面貌。
导演:David Sampliner
简介: David the filmmaker is 40 years old, but he still doesn't feel like a man - not a real man anyway. When his wife becomes pregnant with a boy, David's manhood insecurities deepen. How can he bring his son into manhood if he feels so estranged from his own? This question sets him off on a quest for his manhood that leads him from voice lessons to a men's group to deer-hunting, and ultimately back to his own father. My Own Man is an intimate, humorous, and emotional account of one man's search for what it means to be a man and a father in the 21st century.
简介: 丝棉缠绵,正蓬鬆扩张的,不只是棉花,还有整个中国。 硬铁路串起软棉花生产线,从边城棉田到城市加工厂,一粒新疆的棉花种子如何成为美国时尚舞台上正伸缩跃蹬的牛仔裤?纪录片视线紧贴产业链,第一线直击,由棉花的种植、採摘、纺织、製衣,而至销售出口,目睹中国棉花产业之全貌,直探棉花覆盖下各式产业相关人士生活,无论棉农、纺织女工、中盘商、大宗出口。棉花活儿从来不简单,指上柔软蓬鬆,日子要怎麽硬挺才能过去,一团棉花揉出千百种生活型态,耗时八年,银幕上呈现今日中国棉花史,也是一页农工生活史。 「在中国,与棉花这条生产链相关的人数以千万计,我们解读棉花,也想从中解读『中国製造』之于中国普通人的意义。」──周浩
导演:Ian Bremner
简介: Nova's examination or how thousands to terra cotta soldiers in Qin dynasty's terra cotta army were created digresses into reviews of Qin history and technology.
主演:James Cameron Michael deGruy Sylvia Earle Jeremy Jackson Carl Safina
导演:罗伯特·尼克松 Fisher Stevens
简介: Feature documentary about legendary oceanographer, marine biologist, environmentalist and National Geographic Explorer-in-Residence Sylvia Earle, and her campaign to create a global network of protected marine sanctuaries. Currently in post-production.
导演:Vanessa Lapa
简介: On 6 May 1945, soldiers of the 88th US Infantry Division occupied the Himmlers’ family home in Gmund on Lake Tegernsee where they discovered hundreds of private letters, documents, journals and photographs. The film makes use of these materials and copious archive footage to sketch the biography of SS commander Heinrich Himmler who committed suicide at the end of May 1945 by taking a cyanide capsule. How did this nationalistic lower-middle-class man become Hitler’s henchman responsible for developing and executing the strategies that led to the murder of millions of Jews, homosexuals, Communists and Romany people? Where did his ideology originate? How did he see himself and how was he perceived in private by his wife Margarete, his daughter Gudrun and his mistress Hedwig? How could the man who often referred to so-called German virtues such as order, decency and goodness also write home in the midst of the war and Holocaust: ‘I am well in spite of my heavy workload’? What was it that caused his daughter to say after a visit to Dachau concentration camp: ‘It was lovely …’ A film about the pretensions of a mass murderer and the repression of any sense of guilt. Berlinale 2014
导演:Annika Iltis Timothy James Kane
简介: 这项马拉松的灵感源自史上著名的越狱事件,比赛极为严峻,考验运动员的耐力和毅力。参赛者中,跑完全程的人却少之又少。
主演:Chude Pamela Allen Heather Booth
导演:Mary Dore
简介: 本纪录片发行于2015年。聚焦1966至1971年,20世纪第二波女性运动浪潮,各流派女权主义为争取女性权利愤怒发声。纪录片包含了不同种族、性取向的女性团体和妇女运动的兴起。女权主义者们在改变社会传统观念的同时,也在反省,进步。
简介: 九叔,綽號“夜市市長”,以臨時工的身份掌管中山路夜市三十年。夜市魚龍混雜,九叔管理手段粗礪卻有效。在他的打理下,夜市繁榮,他也甚得領導倚重。九叔在夜市志得意滿,家庭生活卻不順心。他早年身世坎坷,中年經歷多次離婚,晚年又與兒女不和。現在九叔年近七十,繼續以夜市為家。每當夜幕降臨,九叔身穿制服、腰佩警棍,帶領手下坐鎮巡視。臨近午夜,叫上夜市的老兄弟喝酒打牌,然後趁著酒勁招搖過市。 但是,百年老街中山路面臨改造,以美食大排檔為主的夜市也將不復存在… Nicknamed "Mayor of the Night Market," Ninth Uncle has been a temporary worker managing the night market for over 30 years. Despite of his success in the night market, his family life appears quite the opposite. Almost 70 years old now, he continues his life in the night market. As the night falls every evening, Zhong Shan Road and its hundred years of history are now facing reconstruction and the night market full of yummy food venders is soon to be gone. Ninth Uncle helplessly watches the empire he worked his whole life for slowly fall apart. 获奖情况: 2015年 入围香港華語紀錄片節 2015年 入围中國廣州國際紀錄片節
主演:Irène Théry Frigide Barjot Claude Bartolone Alain Finkielkraut François Hollande Hervé Mariton Christiane Taubira
导演:艾蒂安· 莎宥(Etienne Chaillou) 马切尔斯·泰雷(Mathias Théry)
简介: 2017年卢米埃尔学院奖最佳纪录片提名
简介: Part road movie, part spectacle, part drama, Monsoon is Sturla Gunnarsson's meditation on chaos, creation and faith, set in the land of believers. The subject is the monsoon, the incomparably vast weather system that permeates and unifies the varied culture of India, shaping the conditions of existence for its billion inhabitants. (Tiff 2014)
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