主演:克里斯托弗·肖恩 Rob Fukuzaki Hiro Nakamura 渡边戈登 富田谭玲 基内·扬 Frank Buckley 弗朗克西斯·周 Julia Harriman Robert Yasumura 阿特·巴特勒 丸山凯伦 吉田真由美 Mila O'Malley Jon Ohye Vic Chao 布雷特·马内尔 Julia Kato 布瑞塔妮·石桥 Veronica Lapke
导演:珊农·廷德尔 约翰·青岛崇
简介: 棒球巨星佐藤建回到家乡日本,接手成为超级英雄奥特曼,担当保卫地球的任务,却很快就发现工作不如想像中简单,因为他被迫抚养头号大敌留下的孩子。
主演:克里斯托弗·肖恩 Rob Fukuzaki Hiro Nakamura 渡边戈登 富田谭玲 基内·扬 Frank Buckley 弗朗克西斯·周 Julia Harriman Robert Yasumura 阿特·巴特勒 丸山凯伦 吉田真由美 Mila O'Malley Jon Ohye Vic Chao 布雷特·马内尔 Julia Kato 布瑞塔妮·石桥 Veronica Lapke
导演:珊农·廷德尔 约翰·青岛崇
别名:比弗利富二代 第三季 Rich Kids of Beverly Hills Season 32015,比弗利富二代 第三季 Rich Kids of Beverly Hills Season 3
主演:王宣琳 Morgan Stewart Brendan Fitzpatrick Jonny Drubel Earvin "EJ" Johnson Roxy Sowlaty Taylor-Ann Hasselhoff
主演:Chris Kratt Martin Kratt Athena Karkanis Heather Bambrick Jonathan Malen
导演:Chris Kratt Martin Kratt Simon Paquette
简介: 动画片《Wild Kratts动物兄弟》作为美国公共电视台PBS高收视率的节目,在3年的时间已经被翻译成了21种语言,且在超过181个国家中播出。2016年暑假正式登陆中国,给小朋友带来奇妙的野生动物世界大冒险! Chris and Martin Kratt are brothers who explore the wild throughout the world to learn more about animals and share conservation information. They have three friends who travel in the Tortuga HQ with them named Aviva, Koki and Jimmy Z. The brothers have creature power suits that allow them to experience what it's like to be the animals they find. The team helps them by creating power suit creature disks for each animal they study. They also bring them supplies and help them out of tricky situations when their adventures get dicey. The group has to overcome villains as well, like a chef who wants to serve endangered species on his menu, or a clothing designer who wants to trap and use live animals to make her clothing line, or a tech villain who wants to turn animals into robots to do his bidding. All of the villains have no regard for nature or conservation. Wild Kratts is a great cartoon adventure show for kids where they can learn about new animals and why conservation is so important!
主演:Chris Krat Martain Kratt 雅典娜·卡尔卡尼斯 Heather Bambrick Jonathan Malen
导演:Martain Kratt Chris Krat
简介: 故事的每一集都特写一个生动活泼的冒险活动,带领孩子们进入一个神秘的野生动物世界。孩子们在每集都可以了解到不同的动物种类。克拉特兄弟拥有超级能量和生物力量,用超能力碟让自己变成那一种动物,帮助拯救一些受到威胁的动物,并去了解那些世界上最迷人的野生动物,是一个优秀的动漫。
主演:卡米拉·门德斯 J·B·斯穆夫 弗兰切丝卡·雷阿莱 比安卡·孔帕拉托 鲁迪·曼卡索 Regina McMahon Kelly Alejandra Cantoral Gregory Jones Bia Borin William Barletta Anthony Ferrara Gabriela Amerth David Negri José Báez Milly Guzman Beatriz Cavalieri Josanna Vaz Antony Kalathara Maria Mancuso Jay
主演:Anna Krekeler Jonathan Janson Abbie Vandivere Gregor J.M. Weber Pieter Roelofs Betsy Wieseman
导演:Suzanne Raes
简介: Watch as a cast of Vermeer enthusiasts and experts create the largest Vermeer exhibition ever set to be mounted at the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam. This fascinating documentary is a unique opportunity to discover what goes on behind the scenes at exhibitions of this scale, from the latest techniques for determining what makes a Vermeer truly Vermeer to new discoveries while searching for the master’s paintings around the world.
主演:琳达·海登 伊恩·奥格尔维 凯文·库尔施 肖恩·霍根 罗伯特·温恩-西蒙斯 Samm Deighan Mikel Koven Ian Cooper Jonathan Rigby 皮尔斯·哈格德 Bruce G. Hallenbeck 罗宾·哈迪 Mitch Horowitz 安东尼·沙弗尼 罗伯特·艾格斯 Kier-La Janisse 劳伦斯·戈登·克拉克 Sam Dunn 爱丽丝·洛维 Kat Ellinger
导演:Kier-La Janisse
简介: 本片探讨了民俗恐怖这一主题,以迈克尔·里夫斯的《驱魔降邪》(1968)、皮尔斯·哈格德的《撒旦之鸦》(1971)和罗宾·哈迪的《异教徒》(1973)为起点,民俗恐怖文化经历了 1970 年代在英国电视上的扩散,以及在美国、亚洲、澳大利亚和欧洲恐怖片中的特定文化呈现,直到过去十年该类型又经历了复兴。本片涉及 100 多部电影和 50 多位受访者,调查了我们自身试图在我们的环境中寻找精神共鸣,或庆祝、或掩盖、或操纵我们自己的历史的多种方式。
主演:胡爽 安柚鑫 Jon Prasida 戴斯蒙·詹 Ilai Swindells Tiffany Wong 瑞妮·林 梅尔·贾森 罗伯·柯林斯 Scott Lee 马泰 Gabrielle Chan 萨拉·韦斯特 Joshua McElroy Meg Clarke Linda Hsia Mya Wong Belinda Jombwe Philip Lynch Clayton Wheeler
主演:Gordon Ramsay Jabari Jones Monique Soltani
简介: World renowned chef Gordon Ramsay puts 12 aspiring young chefs through rigorous and devastating challenges at his restaurant in Hollywood, "Hell's Kitchen", to determine which of them will win the restaurant of their dreams. Their dreams are quickly becoming nightmares. Written by {robocoptng986127@aol.com}
主演:AC DC Beck Tony Bennett Mary J. Blige Eric Church Brandy Clark Common Lady Gaga Ariana Grande Herbie Hancock Hunter Hayes Hozier Jessie J Tom Jones Juanes
导演:Louis J. Horvitz
简介: 第57届格莱美奖颁奖典礼于2015年2月8日晚在美国加利福尼亚州洛杉矶斯台普斯中心举办[2]。颁奖典礼由CBS现场直播。本届格莱美奖中的作品须在2013年10月1日至2014年9月30日之间发行才可获得报名资格。 最终提名于2014年12月公布,山姆·史密斯、碧昂丝和法瑞尔·威廉姆斯三位歌手分别获得六项提名,是本届格莱美奖提名最多的艺人。而山姆·史密斯获得包括“年度制作”、“年度歌曲”和“最佳新人”三个一般类奖项在内的四项大奖,成为当晚的最大赢家,碧昂丝、法瑞尔·威廉姆斯、贝克和罗珊·凯许四人各获得三项大奖位列其后。本届格莱美奖颁发出83个奖项,比前一年增加一项。 MusiCares年度人物于格莱美颁奖前两天的2月6日颁发给鲍勃·迪伦,这项奖项作为“格莱美周”的一部分,与格莱美奖同样由美国国立录音艺术科学学院颁发。(整理:@蓝影志)
主演:Camilla Luddington Nico Evers-Swindell Samantha Whittaker Jonathan Patrick Moore Richard Reid Ben Cross
导演:Mark Rosman
简介: 该片描述的是英国王子威廉与其平民女友凯特的爱情故事。由于婚期临近,所有媒体都开始不遗余力地炒作这个堪比当年戴安娜的爱情童话,Lifetime自然也是如此。 来自中产阶级家庭的平民女孩Kate Middleton在圣安德鲁斯大学研习美术史时遇到了英国王位第二继承人威廉王子。两人一开始只是普通朋友,但很快产生了爱情。他们于2010年10月订婚,并将于今年4月29日举行盛大的王室婚礼。Lifetime原创电视电影《威廉与凯特》(William & Kate)再现了威廉王子与凯特在圣安德鲁斯大学学习期间由相识再到相爱的全过程。迫于王室和社会的压力,他们的爱情之路一共走了九年才功德圆满。 英国本土演员Camilla Luddington扮演凯特,Nico Evers-Swindell扮演威廉王子
主演:Leslie Jones
简介: 在這部歡樂、真切又瘋狂的脫口秀特輯中,萊絲莉·瓊斯帶觀眾回顧自己成人以後的經歷,包括誘惑王子的計畫與睡眠呼吸中止症的抗戰過程。
主演:大卫·卡罗素 Emily Procter Adam Rodriguez Khandi Alexander Jonathan Togo
导演:Ann Donahue Carol Mendelsohn Anthony Zuiker
简介: 对爱里克·德尔寇来说生活永远不会重复。'CSI犯罪现场调查:迈阿密'的制片人Corey Miller暗示影迷们在九月24日第六季上映的时候会看到那位指纹采集和药品鉴定专家解决他的受伤的脑部. 在上一季的CSI:迈阿密中, 如Adam Rodriguez的表演那样,Eric Delko被Clavo Cruz雇佣的杀手射中头部还差点死掉.在多种的使之苏醒的尝试和紧张的手术后,他活了下来但却要克服失忆和重新向迈阿密犯罪实验室学习他原来的工作的种种困难. 据MILLER透露,Eric的伤是改变人物命运的重大事件,使它很难回到事情从前的方式上去. "这次形势的变化将影响他以后的生活,"Miller对YAHOO的Adam Rodriguez栏目工作组透露说. "大脑的损伤通常被称作寂寞的疾病,因为有如此多的脑部受伤的人受着寂寞和被误解的痛苦,"CSI的制片人解释说."我们通过我们的研究得知那些脑受损伤的人们不再会是从前的他们了.在特定的医药治疗和护理下,他会将从前生活的一些外表的东西会被重新记起.但他们绝对不会再用和从前一样的方式看待事情了. 现在即使完成在以前看来很简单的任务也意味着巨大的困难.而且没哪两个伤害是相似的,因为大脑是一个如此神奇和复杂的器官. 作为一位犯罪现场调查员,Eric的工作并不轻松.但他的伤使他的任务变的更复杂和困难. "Delko不只要尽力且正确的完成复杂的工作,他还要同时解决身体和精神上的影响,"MILLER说,"更别提那颗还留在他大脑里的随时都会要了他的命的狙击手的子弹。他还有很长的路要走." MILLER也提到了Eric和Calleigh Duquesne (Emily Procter)在第5季中的浪漫情事.尽管米勒没提供任何细节,但他暗示了二人是否会再有发展. "在Delko遭枪击后我们就开始把Calleigh和Eric当作可能的夫妻来看,"他说,"有很多事情让人们浪漫的分开,而Calleigh和Eric总是很职业化的共事但也偶尔互相作弄调情.Delko遭枪击时,Calleigh恰好在他身边.所以我们想那可以是一个很有意思的让他们接近的方式--Delko因为脑部的伤,他可能从一个不同的方式感知事件.他开始曲解所有的事情,并且可能误解爱情的关系. "正当这些误解可能被敏锐的感觉到,Calleigh已经开始转向Jake [Johnny Whitworth].又一次,更多潜在的戏剧...那将是个纷繁复杂的关系,如果不是,那所有的剧情就太简单了."他补充说.
主演:Michelle McNamara John Mirabella James Zeiss Robert Nicolay Francis Reilly Jonathan Katzoff Matthew Gochman Steven Weiss Rick Apicella Danielle Brewer Richard Roach George Morris Fasbinder Walter Sunday Bruce Conner Jim Rosenbloom Devin Doyle Ardis Barrow
导演:Elise Greven Jeremiah Crowell
主演:Jonathan Dimbleby
导演:Jonathan Dimbleby
简介: After four decades of reporting from the continent, Jonathan Dimbleby returns to Africa on a 7,000-mile journey to discover how it is changing. 【Mali, Ghana and Nigeria】 He starts his African journey in the capital of Mali, Bamako, the fastest-growing African city. Following the course of the Niger river, Dimbleby finds not a continent of beggars but of industrious people, some of whom go to extraordinary lengths to make a living, free-diving 20 feet to excavate building sand. Travelling north-east, he sees how tradition is preserved in an area where a sophisticated urban society has thrived for 1600 years. Jonathan gets his hands dirty as the apprentice of a 74-year-old mud mason in Djenne, a town built entirely of mud. In Ghana, one of Africa's freest and most stable countries, Jonathan sees a spectacular festival before playing a game of golf with the King of the Ashanti, who recalls his time working for Brent council. Dimbleby attends the King's court to see what lessons the UK can draw from traditional African structures that promote harmony and reconciliation. Jonathan discovers that the African brain drain is turning into a brain gain as economic opportunity and patriotism draw people home. Football unites Ghana like nothing else, superseding political and tribal divisions. There is a rich seam of young football talent on the continent in the year that the World Cup is hosted by an African nation for the first time. In Lagos, Nigeria's business capital, Jonathan Dimbleby sees a different take on a city that is often depicted as a hotbed of violence, crime and corruption. He is taken on a private jet by Africa's richest man, then savours the creative talents of two of African music's rising stars who are helping to cement Lagos's place as the continent's cultural hub. 【Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania】 On the second leg of his illuminating journey across Africa, Jonathan Dimbleby travels 2000 miles through East Africa's Rift Valley. Starting in Ethiopia, where he was the first journalist to report the 1973 famine, Dimbleby discovers the great strides being made to safeguard the country from future catastrophes. In Kenya he finds out how mobile phones are revolutionising small businesses and even the lives of Masai tribes. In Tanzania he joins in a football match with the judges and guards of Africa's own Human Rights Commission and meets the street kids in Dar-es-Salaam who are building an international profile for their music. 【Congo, South Africa and Zambia】 On the final leg of his 7,000-mile odyssey, Jonathan Dimbleby travels from Congo to Durban in search of the stories revealing contemporary Africa. He learns how China's billion-dollar deals have rebooted African economies, once dependent on Western aid and investment. Passing through Zambia, Jonathan survives a training session with boxing world champion Esther Phiri and meets Hugh Masekela, who shares with him his view of Africa's emerging revival.
主演:Phil Keoghan Vicki Casciola Rachel Johnston Ron Kellum Brook Roberts Jonathan Schwartz Katie Seamon Claire Champlin Kat Chang Nick DeCarlo Andie DeKroon Connor Diemand-Yauman Gary Ervin Mallory Ervin Jill Haney
导演:Bert Van Munster
主演:William Frasca Tuesday Beebe Becca Booth Patrick Michael Canino Steven Cardinal KatieBeth Cesaro Phillip Davis Daniel Jones Fritz Klein Ray Kowalski 威廉·麦克·麦库洛 JP McLaurin 克莱·蒙库尔 Treg Monty Kara Morrison Randy Neale Angela Oberer Bill Ratner Max Reed III B
导演:Molly Hermann
简介:We all know the main story of Abraham Lincoln's death, how he was killed, where it took place, and who pulled the trigger. But what exactly happened during the last day of his life? Relive April 14, 1865, as we track the hours of the day that shocked the world, following both assassin and victim on separate paths that would ultimately converge at the Presidential Box at Ford's ...
主演:亚历山德罗·米罗 James Koroni Joe Lopez Jonathan Iglesias Andres De Vengoechea Tico Flores 安东尼·波罗夫斯基 Alex J. Moreno John Anthony Wylliams John A. Rice Michael Christian Jackson Lawnyae Marie Amiya Steed
简介: Four young men leave boyhood behind and shed more than just their clothes and inhibitions in Writer/Director Daniel Armando’s new film. Shy Manuel and gay, adult video star Max travel to New York City for a video shoot. Manuel's older brother, Jorge, dances away the emotional toll of an abusive relationship while Fabian, a young Puerto Rican hiding his homosexuality, navigates the world of a first-time father. When the worlds of these four men collide, they explore the depths of their sexuality and find their lives changed forever.
别名:万物生灵:自求多福,万物既伟大又渺小:2023圣诞特别集,All Creatures Great and Small: 2023 Christmas Special?
主演:尼古拉斯·瑞夫 蕾切尔·申顿 萨缪尔·韦斯特 安娜·梅德利 詹姆斯·安东尼-罗斯 派翠西亚·霍吉 Antonio Galas 萨姆·雷特福德 莫莉·温纳德 伊莫金·克劳森 托尼·皮茨 德里克 Ole Madden Dora Jon Furlong
主演:Facundo Gambandé María Fernanda Callejón Diego De Paula Antonella Ferrari
导演:Nicolás Teté
简介: Coming out of he closet is never easy, but the gay son has already come out to his parents. They weren't happy, but they still love him. The son arrives home, only to learn that his partner has dumped him.
主演:Owen Campbell Jonathan Rosen Venecia Troncoso
导演:Owen Campbell
别名:冲浪女孩/Surf Girls
主演:Brianna Cope Pua DeSoto Maluhia Kinimaka Ewe Wong Moana Jones Wong
主演:Jack Littman Anna Khaja 马克·阿戴尔-里奥斯 理查德·阿祖拉蒂亚 John Bader 帕丽丝·本杰明 Serina Paris Bernstein Jonathan Cahill J. Marvin Campbell Clarie 休·达恩 Lisa Denke Dylan Dovale Ksusha Genenfeld Richard Hench 唐尼·史密斯 Jeff Torres 迈克尔·肖姆斯·维尔斯
导演:Jack Littman
简介:When an ex mercenary's love is kidnapped, he must save her from its tyrannical leader, who he was fathered by.
主演:Olivia Luccardi Jon Beavers Stefanie Estes
导演:Beth de Araújo
简介: Emily is an elementary school teacher in a small rural town. She teaches as a way to fill the void of not being able to have her own children. However, Emily uses this position to push her own agenda forward onto young impressionable minds: white supremacy. As the day unfolds in real time, Emily attends the inaugural club meeting of 'Daughters for Aryan Unity', which she organized. In this meeting, Emily indoctrinates this group of alt-right women and galvanizes them into action. They all decide to continue the meeting at Emily's house over wine. Stopping at the local store to pick up refreshments, an altercation breaks out between two mixed raced Asian sisters and the club.
主演:Jonny Bjørkhaug Karoline Stemre Kim Kvamme
导演:Rene Bjerregaard
简介: A young man slowly loses himself more and more into a dream world and his own nightmares. But what if the dreams are real?
主演:泰勒·珀西 唐纳德·萨瑟兰 罗伯特·理查德 约翰·波西 埃里克·艾特巴里 Summer Spiro Jonathan Peacy Brooke Swallow 玛格丽塔·雷耶斯 Josh Harp Bridgette Meredith Garb Greg Fitzpatrick 玛雅·卡林 Tony Dew Lily Zhao
主演:基尔蒂·库哈里 阿娣提·拉奥·希达里 帕丽莱蒂·曹帕拉 托达·罗伊·乔杜里 希滕·珀泰尔 Avinash Tiwary 泰·赫尔利 李·尼古拉斯·哈里斯 Nina Kumar Persephone Hulewicz Jamie Lee-Hill Sammy Jonas Heaney Rene Costa Sara Latif Richie Lawrie 科斯米娜·玛丽亚·波帕
主演:波西亚·德·罗西 莎诺·伊丽莎白 米洛·文堤米利亚 克里斯蒂娜·里奇 玛雅 克里斯汀娜·安娜波 Daniel Edward Mora Solar 杰西·艾森伯格 Jonny Acker 埃里克·拉丁 乔舒亚·杰克逊
主演:李纯 张含韵 王菊 刘冬沁 周澄奥 任彬 张帆 杨博潇 王圣迪 是安 马亮 范玮 王槊 李殿尊 陈芋米 赵婧祎 林子琳 倪虹洁 刘丹 吴冕 何雨虹 马小媛 张柏嘉 孔雁 卫小雨 王宏政 任洛敏 李渝玲 郑庆方 孙庆 刘洁 王梓伊 任飞儿 乔伊依 郑翌卓 左奇函 季承 姜尚宇 康群智 朱玮菱 李溪昶 袁磊 牛国栋 班班 箐洋 徐佳 崔佳男 冯长玲 闫立飞 张宝龙 刘岳琦 于彦博 茹天 苏正友 侯晓燕 于柏林 Jonny 杨寒 王晶晶 何雨佳 唐轶 刘颖 靳益那 林泱拉 刘然玹 李柔璇 周宇 候琴 朱文雯 鲁
导演:陈正道 许肇任
简介:剧集讲述了三位个性迥异、特色鲜明的都市丽人,在经历了一系列创业的艰辛,职场的压迫,和感情的波折后,对生活、事业和爱情都有了重新的认识。其中,刘净(李纯 饰)是完美主义对爱情挑剔的美食博主;方欣(张含韵 饰)是虽然外貌出众却为情苦恼的离异主播;夏梦(王菊 饰)是因为能力出色而让男友倍感压力的职场强人。
主演:郭涛 杨子姗 杨颖 焦刚 刘丹 倪虹洁 吕聿来 郑人硕 马亮 孔雁 张柏嘉 马小媛 曹恩齐 金世佳 王圣迪 李解 曹艳艳 吴玉芳 毛雪雯 王梓尘 高睿菲儿 汪飏 李溪昶 闫汶渲 张晗 郭震 吴恩璇 大虹 张捷旸 王美茜 唐颖 严丰 王蕊 刘佳玮 东周文德 李昕岳 曹蕴 Scott Elaine 上官瞳 李雪蕊 田卓源 王华国 陈晶晶 谷红岩 朱晓鸣 邱悦 杨强 李柯瑾 韩东 红木 殳俏 Jonny 杨迎春 代文君 王荷酿 吉说达胡 王馨阳 赵刚 高亮 刘惠仪 蒋林燕 刘毅 杨君 Patrick 姚柏仲 赵
导演:陈正道 许肇任 吴中天
主演:Aliocha Reinert Melissa Olexa 安托万·赖纳茨 Izïa Higelin Jade Schwartz Ilario Gallo Abdel Benchendikh Romane Esch Jonathan Zito Thierry Luddecke Stéphane Caron Séverine Larbi-Boucherif Zaina Benhabouche Angélique Litzenburger Meriem Thome 克莱尔·比尔格 塞缪尔·泰斯
简介:Follows ten year-old Johnny who stands out in different aspects way beyond his age. Things change when his new teacher sees his potential, believes in him and wants to open a new world to him.
主演:凯瑟琳·塔特 Niky Wardley William McKenna Jenna Owen 安东尼·布兰登·黄 罗伯特·科尔比 蕾切尔·戈登 罗伯·柯林斯 Emma Alberici Brendan Jones Amanda Keller 罗杰·科瑟 Richard Wilkins Sarah MacDonald 大卫·罗伯茨 琳内特·柯伦 Dave Hughes 雨果·约翰斯通-伯特 丹尼尔·莱派恩 Zoe Carides 尼古拉斯·贝尔 克里斯蒂安·凡·武伦 刘易斯·菲茨-杰拉德 麦琪·登斯 Vir
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